La Voce di Trieste

Trieste and the political profiteering of the PD on the “Regeni case”

Analysis by Paolo G. Parovel

Left-wing Italian politicians, intellectuals and media have triggered a very harsh campaign of criticism against Trieste because the new mayor of the city, Roberto Dipiazza, removed from the facade of the City Hall a political banner regarding the case of Giulio Regeni, Italian student found dead in Cairo this February.

The truth is that this mayor had the courage to stop supporting the political and mediatic speculation organized and forced around the death of the young man by the Government and by the party of Matteo Renzi and of Debora Serracchiani (who reacted by displaying on the nearby palace of the Region, the body she chairs, the banner removed by the mayor).

Also, the Italian political operations revolving on the “Regeni case” are neither humanitarian nor harmless, because they use the tragedy of this young man and of his family to delegitimize the current Government of Egypt, which has a fundamental role for the stabilization of a crisis area like the Middle East.

This means the event is also an element to evaluate the strategic risks arising from the structural crisis of Italy, which is to be measured both on the bases of its disastrous economic parameters and on the levels of irresponsibility of its politicians, intellectuals, and mass media.

What the “Regeni case” is

We have already published, in Italian and in English, two short analyses about the Italian political construction of the “Regeni case” and they are still attracting international interest and approval, the titles are: “Why does corrupted Italy attempt to weaken Egypt?” (LINK) and “Egypt: the false “Regeni case” and Italian political blackmails” (LINK).

In synthesis, Giulio Regeni was an Italian student on a study mission in Cairo, a city with 20 million inhabitants, where he was found murdered by unknown persons on the 3rd of February, 2016, but the Italian Government has immediately delegitimized the investigations, accusing the current temporary Military Government of Egypt to have ordered the murder and to be “hiding the truth”.

The Italian Government itself, however, denies that the young men was involved in political activities or had a role in the intelligence. It should be obvious that the Italian accusations to the Egyptian Government are an operation of political profiteering on what, until the contrary is proven, is a common crime.

Reversed humanitarianism

But this evidence was not enough to embarrass the groups of Italian politicians, intellectuals, journalists, committees, and associations (including the representatives of Amnesty International) who completely aligned with their Government to support in the streets, on the press, and on television shows the claims against Egypt, displaying players and banners with the slogan “Verità per Giulio Regeni” (Truth for Giulio Regeni), and who are now ferociously attacking the mayor of Trieste for removing one from the facade of the City Hall.

And even a basic analysis of the slogan is enough to understand that it is not a humanitarian appeal, but mere political propaganda. For instance, it does not call for “justice” that depends upon the outcome of the investigations and the trials for the murder, it calls for “truth”, and this means delegitimizing ex-ante the results of the investigations. Which might also result in findings the Italian Government doesn’t like.

All those who support this deceptive operation of the Italian Government believing they are defending truth and human rights should think twice about it, instead of getting angry with the mayor who removed the slogan from the City Hall of Trieste.

Because risk to be the persons who will cover both those who are actually responsible for the murder of student Giulio Regeni, and the activities consisting in exploiting the most dangerous international hotbed of global destabilization on Earth.

How about truth regarding Trieste?

Finally, from Trieste, it is dutiful paying attention to who are the politicians, intellectuals, journalists, committees, and associations that are most involved in supporting the easy propaganda of the Italian Government about the “truth” for Regeni, Triestine by birth.

This is because they are the very same ones who either hide or are not courageous enough to denounce the truth about the extremely serious abuses that the administration of the Italian Government commits at the expenses of the life and work of the other 250,000 citizens of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste (LINK).

© 10 Ottobre 2016

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Copyright © 2012 La Voce di Trieste. Tutti i diritti riservati
Testata giornalistica registrata presso il Tribunale di Trieste - n.1232, 18.1.2011
Pubblicato dall'Associazione Culturale ALI "Associazione Libera Informazione" TRIESTE C.F. 90130590327 - P.I. 01198220327
Direttore Responsabile: Paolo G. Parovel
34121 Trieste, Piazza della Borsa 7 c/o Trieste Libera
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