La Voce di Trieste

Israel: the terrorist attacks against the Abraham Accords

Israel: the terrorist attacks against the Abraham Accords

Logo of the Abraham Accords.

Israel: the terrorist attacks against the Abraham Accords

Analysis by Paolo G. Parovel and Silvia Verdoljak.


On October 7, 2023, criminal organizations launched from Gaza extremely severe terrorist attacks against the State of Israel and its people in order to paralyze the increasingly successful peace process between Muslim States and Israel, initiated with the “Abraham Accords” promoted by the US.

The “Abraham Accords” are based on the recognition of the fact that those people and States share the same, common spiritual roots of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as relevant economic and strategic interests of peace and prosperity, and aspire to cultural and scientific development.

Starting from this ethical and practical recognition, the Abraham Accords initiate effective steps for the “normalization” of the political, economic, and cultural relations among those people and States, which is necessary to end the conflicts and to isolate anyone fueling them.

This strategy for peace by the United States – deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize – was conceived and initiated in 2020 by the administration of President Trump and continued during the Biden administration, with their respective Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo and Antony Blinken.

However, news regarding the very existence of the Abraham Accords and their extraordinary achievements are passed over silence by both politicians and media of all the States, in and outside of Europe, that have economic and strategic interests to fuel conflicts that bleed out the Middle East and North Africa.

In view of this, it is not surprising that while the US was extending the Abraham Accords to Saudi Arabia, the custodian of the holy sites of Islam, someone decided to paralyze everything by unleashing a “Palestinian” terrorist attack – which does also suggest the involvement of mercenaries – against Israel.

The civil effort to provide humanitarian aid to all victims of this and other conflicts is, therefore, an ethical choice that is equal, useful, and meaningful, as is seeking the causes of the conflict and the appropriate instruments for pacification.

On the other side, there is nothing ethical, useful, or meaningful in the political actions of those who fuel the conflict by taking sides, with rallies or in the media, in favor of one of the parties on the basis of prejudice (against Jews, against Muslims, against Americans) and of fake or incomplete information.

Author of the English version: Silvia Verdoljak.

© 10 Ottobre 2023

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